Cliff Golding

Brevity is the sould of wit

Brevity And Me

People say I can’t do brevity. Yes I can……………..!!! (Polonius, act 2, scene 2 of Hamlet).

Chuck Norris

HOKA Clifton 7s, More Swim Coaching, Jersey, Covid-19 Test And A Licence To Roam

Hey, gang of less than three. How are you?  All well I hope. What’s that you say? “Cliffy, you haven’t posted for a week or two. Tell us what you are up to? Has your life been banal and non-productive or, have you achieved anything of note?  And how is BLD (Boris Lock Down) going.” …

HOKA Clifton 7s, More Swim Coaching, Jersey, Covid-19 Test And A Licence To Roam Read More »


Deconstruct to Reconstruct and the three (perhaps four) stages of entering the water

To Relearn You First Have To Unlearn Photo: Nicky Brown Hey 2.4. How are you? I am good; thanks for thinking you would ask if we were one-to-one! I am currently on the wonderful island of Jersey in the Channel Islands. I have been here for two weeks and have one week to go before …

Deconstruct to Reconstruct and the three (perhaps four) stages of entering the water Read More »


It’s Monday Not Friday!

“My advice is to never do tomorrow what you can do today. Procrastination is the thief of time.” – Charles Dickens Hmm!  Wise words CD.  So, three weeks in and already I’ve broken my pledge to myself.  I said I would post every Friday – at least – and I didn’t post last Friday, did I? …

It’s Monday Not Friday! Read More »